Of Driftwood and Dreams: Beloveds on the Beach

We are on the beach. Lake Michigan glimmering as far as the eye can see.The day had been glorious and shiny, but slate blue clouds churn to the north and south. Over this inland sea, pockets of rain cast darker slashes along the horizon to the east.We are lucky and dry so far, but a storm is fast approaching from the west.Yet, none of us wants to leave.A group had gathered for a styled shoot as part of a national effort of The Rising Tide Society. A styled shoot is an event in which creatives choose a theme, props, details, locations and models to convey a certain look, feel or style and photograph them. Most fashion and bridal editorial content consists of highly styled shoots, and are ways to inspire and educate readers.The Rising Tide Society is an online educational community for creative entrepreneurs devoted to the idea of community over competition to promote friendships and networking. The local chapter of RTS, TuesdaysTogether – Milwaukee, is led by a wonderful photographer (and friend) Elizabeth Haase who wanted our ‘Sconie group to participate in a national RTS styled shoot contest.So even though the radar on our phones was showing a giant wall of rain brewing in the west, none of us wanted to break the magic of the moment. The dramatic sky, rocky shoreline and beautiful models, Lauren and Greg, were enchanting. In fact, Lauren and Greg are newlyweds, so it was no trouble for them to get lost in the romance of the moment.I particularly loved the hues of the sky against the bouquet, which floral artist Laurel Flannery of Bloom Lovely preciently incorporated blues and purples. There’s something so mesmerizing about bone-white and grey driftwood nestled into grains of sand that attracts my eye. And that flowing, rippling white skirt on the stunning bridal gown from Bliss Bridal brought a creamy elegance to an environment poised for thunder and rain. And let’s not forget the charming tableware from Relics Vintage Rentals, “Yay” banners and mantle from Bloom Lovely, embroidered “name cards” from El Muchacho del Burro and perfectly on point cake & chocolates from Yield Bakehouse.The film you’re about to watch is just a short preview to the longer version I’ll be creating about the local RTS and this collaborative styled shoot, more of a behind-the-scenes video. And there’s a lot to show about this shoot and the other portrait sessions included.But I couldn’t wait to share the vision that this local team of creatives brought together.It’s not like most of the Sweet Pea Films you’ll see, because it was designed to capture a mood and feel, and to allow viewers to immerse themselves in the moment.So take a moment to imagine yourself in that beautiful dress or dress, on the arm of a loved one and waiting for that first drop of rain to fall.Magic!
