These two. My heart expands a little bit every time I watch this sneak peek, which is grounded in the most beautiful basilica in Milwaukee. Seriously.Emily and Pete’s faith is their foundation and core, and it’s such a joy to watch how God’s peace and love flows through them. It’s no wonder their wedding at the Basilica of St. Josaphat and reception at the Milwaukee Ale House was such a blast. How could it not be?Perhaps it was because Pete set the tone. He challenged everyone to be fully present in the moment and to fall in love with life that night.Let me repeat that: Fall in love with life.How many grooms ask that of their guests? To take the focus off the bride and groom and put it squarely into the hearts and minds of those gathered close. So thoughtful and genuine.And how about that first kiss? Fist-pumping. Heart-pounding. Hip-swaying. I think it gives you perfect insight into these two and their personalities.It’s what I like to call (ALL CAPS!!) A MOMENT.And did I mention that this is just the sneak peek? Whew! You better hang on for more to come in their full-length cinematic film!More joy — and loving of life — to come.Cheers,Cindy
Emily + Pete: A St. Josaphat and Milwaukee Ale House wedding